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Rules and Regulations


The online matchmaking system does not ask for anything other than a name and email address to comment or contact you. Your personal information may be stored by us indefinitely.

You retain all rights to your comments and messages, except that their content may be used in a fair manner while appearing on the Online Matchmaking Website.

Commenting through Facebook or other social media uses the mandatory information of your respective account to which the above rules apply as per the rules.

Your personal and personal information is not sold or given away for free to anyone outside of the online matchmaking website.
The Online Matchmaking website is built using the popular content management system WordPress which may install certain cookies on users' devices for their convenience. However, you have full control over them and can delete them whenever you want.

The most popular analytics system Google Analytics is used to improve the experience of online matchmaking website users and readers by analyzing their behavior. You can learn about and disable the information this system collects here.

Google AdSense is hired for advertising on the online matchmaking website, which analyzes your behavior and interests on the Internet and presents the most relevant ads to you. Reminders are also used for this purpose which you can disable here if you want.

The online matchmaking website is supported by an automated system that has privacy rules on the link to protect it from spam.

We take all possible measures to secure your personal information and your experience on the online matchmaking website, but we use third parties for everything from hosting the website to various ancillary services. party) is inevitable, the implications of which cannot be guaranteed.

Property Rights

All rights to all original and copyrighted content on the online matchmaking website are reserved by

 You may not copy or share any material contained on the online matchmaking website in any form without the permission of the author.

You also undertake not to use the original content of the Online Matchmaking Website for any commercial or commercial purposes.

Online matchmaking website identifiers such as name, address, image, audio or animated content, links, etc. may not be used for personal or commercial purposes without permission or reference.

All original and original content shared on the online matchmaking website's social media is also the property of the online matchmaking website, to which the above rules will apply.

Violation of copyright rules may lead to appropriate action.

Expression of innocence

All content on the Online Matchmaking website is provided for literary, intellectual, entertainment and informational purposes only. 

Terms only

You are obligated not to use the Online Matchmaking Website and its content in any illegal manner that may cause any damage to the Online Matchmaking Website or the Online Matchmaking Website Administrator.

You are obliged not to use the Online Matchmaking website and its content in any illegal manner that may harm the readers and users of the Online Matchmaking website.

You undertake not to use the online matchmaking website and its content in any illegal manner that may cause any harm to any person or entity.

The online matchmaking website and the administrator of the online matchmaking website shall not be held liable for any damage caused to any person or entity due to any illegal use of the online matchmaking website and its content.

You are required to observe morals and values ​​when commenting on the Online Matchmaking Website, interacting on social networks or communicating with the Online Matchmaking Website or the administrator of Urdu Gah through any other means.

All applicable terms and conditions shall be deemed to apply upon your visit to the Online Matchmaking Website whether or not you have read them.

Your use of the Online Matchmaking Website shall automatically and implicitly constitute your agreement to all applicable rules and regulations.
